The Yiddish Book Center's

New York Public Library - Yiddish Book Center Yizkor Book Project

Memorial books that document Jewish life before World War II, along with vivid firsthand accounts of the Holocaust and its aftermath

אויף די חורבות פון מיין היים : חורבן שעדלעץ

פיינזילבער, אלימלך

Oyf di ḥurves̀ fun mayn heym ḥurbm Shedlets (On the ashes of my home : the destruction of Siedlce)

Fainzilber, Melech

This Yizkor book commemorates Siedlce (Poland)

This edition was published in 1952 by [O. fg.] in Tel-Aviv. It was added to the digital library in April 2017.

Published in Yiddish
284 pages.

Notes about this book