Help Save Our Most Rare and Fragile Yiddish Books

A Glimpse of Collections Items in Urgent Need of Repair

The Yiddish Book Center is embarking on an effort to do something we’ve never done before—carry out urgent conservation work on some of our most precious Yiddish books and preserve them for generations to come

We've already rescued a yam yidishe bikher—a sea of Yiddish books—and transformed Yiddish scholarship by putting many thousands of titles online. Now it’s time to safeguard some of our rarest, most important, and most fragile treasures. Many of these are too degraded to open, let alone put through a scanner to digitize them. With skilled conservation work, all these precious titles can be used, scanned, and made available online in our digital library so that we can share their extraordinary stories with the world. 

These irreplaceable books and other items are among our crown jewels. In the coming weeks, our bibliographer David Mazower will be sharing some of their stories, from classic works of Yiddish literature in urgent need of conservation to damaged music sheets and theater playscripts to the most fragile periodicals and serials.

Make a donation in support of this project and help us transform and preserve these rare and fragile treasures.