The Yiddish Book Center's

Wexler Oral History Project

A growing collection of in-depth interviews with people of all ages and backgrounds, whose stories about the legacy and changing nature of Yiddish language and culture offer a rich and complex chronicle of Jewish identity.

Stereotypes, Guilt, and Emigrating from Israel

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Izzy Feldman, Israeli-American IT specialist, speaks about the guilt he feels as an Israeli who has settled down and established himself in America. Although emigration from Israel is inherently looked down upon (the Hebrew, "yored"/"yeridah" means "to descend"), Izzy maintains that this guilt has come from within rather than without.

This is an excerpt from an oral history with Israel (Izzy) Feldman.

This excerpt is in English.

Israel (Izzy) Feldman was born in Cernăuți, Romania in 1931. Israel (Izzy) died in 2017.