The Yiddish Book Center's

Wexler Oral History Project

A growing collection of in-depth interviews with people of all ages and backgrounds, whose stories about the legacy and changing nature of Yiddish language and culture offer a rich and complex chronicle of Jewish identity.

Feminism, Jewish Studies, and the Myth of Yiddish as a Feminine Language

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Eli Rosenblatt, scholar of Jewish studies, talks about Ayzik Meyer Dik, the translator of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" into Yiddish, and how the Yiddish language in this example is incorrectly seen as feminine or feminized. Eli then reflects on the role of gender and feminism in his scholarly work.

This is an excerpt from an oral history with Eli Rosenblatt.

This excerpt is in English.

Eli Rosenblatt was born in Norwalk, CT in 1984.